viernes, septiembre 13, 2013

Inspiring movies. (Sept. 2013)

Last night I could watch 3 movies I borrowed from my friend pastor Eduardo three weeks ago. I came to Ccs for my mother´s birthday and had the chance to turn on one of my PC to enjoy myself watching: a) “The secrets of Jonathan Sperry” ( b) “The freedom writers’ diary” and c) “Our Lady of Victory” (2011)

The secrets of Jonathan Sperry gave me some ideas useful to preach or to work with young people; but I actually lack his facilities, the neighbourhood and some resources… I could work on that, but my “target” is quite different (just in case I take my own ideas to be adapted to my vicinity).

The freedom writers’ diary is one of those movies I wish I could keep at hand to study it frequently. I will do my research later on and, obviously, it has its racial background, some Jewish scent helping to back up their “local” segregation, but that serves very well to show –according to the movie- how USA could be dealing with the their social problems (which seem to be rooted on economical opportunities, equal rights, educational needs and more cultural things I cannot feel (or guess) since I don´t live there in those States).

Our Lady of Victory is based on a true sport history. I watched the deleted scenes and these had some elements Catholic people would see as “offensive”, like nuns dancing… :P  They showed some real film records of the Immaculata college’s success and the way they wore “tunics” as their uniform to play basketball…

What I liked more of these two last movies (a thing that shocked my attention) was the clear contrast between two opposite situations: 
a) Ms G. (Hilary Swank) faced divorce while teaching high school, while blessing and leading others´ life. 
b) Cathy Rush was married to a man who often played basketball, one who really knew team working, and backed her up to accomplish her job.

What I´ve found inspiring on these videos is easy to understand (if you yourself watch them) but, regarding the family, those we would like to get or ever have, could be quite different if we were married with the wrong person, unequally yoked.

What kind of a spouse would you like to be?

I don´t know the passion each person has. It could be professionally developed on your job daily or lovingly worn at home, with your loved ones; but some secretly have it and some sadly feel they miss it.

On those movies the passion for a job were exaggerated, perhaps unrealistically or naively; these examples are not impossible and could cause any some splits, divorce, emotional loneliness filled with the emptiness of frustration, which usually comes when someone is not achieving his/her personal goals, these that are thought to be found at marriage or in a love relationship. 

At The freedom writers’ diary movie a man leaves her woman. At Our Lady of Victory another helps his spouse to win with her team. What kind of man do you like to be with? Which of these you are alike?

I understood Ms G.´s husband wanted a hommie woman, just for him, when he came anytime home. On this case, the character of the man Hilary Swank might have married looked selfish, self-centred, and served her enough to chat about her day and to please that H.S. teacher who devoted long hours working outside but, contrasting both movies, coach Cathy Rush married a man with similar professional likes (basketball), this accepted her freedom of choice and understood the personal need she had to work outside home (I like the way she dealt with his feelings when he felt jealous, since she mentioned the time she gave him attending some of his matches, when playing basketball).

Which of these two men you identify with, as husbands? Which of these two girls/women would you like to marry?

I think –if I were married- I wouldn’t like to get one spouse who often comes back home late. I see all of us, as humans, need self-respect, healthy admiration and some kind of personal achievements; but I don´t need (nor like) anyone who behaves bossy or lives too busy (that´s the hermit in me).

Inside de DVD I saw some enjoyable pictures and a tiny video of the class of the freedom writers. The movie has updated very fitly the amount of the Afro-Americans, the Latinos and the Asian attending classrooms somewhere else there. Will you mind to compare the picture of that class in 2006? 

Surely you will agree on the positive side of the critics to racism. The English version doesn´t have some words I heard on the Mexican version. Some Afro-Americans said, in the Spanish version, “they came first”. What about the ancient American Indians and its banished cultures? (Is their fate similar to the Amalekites, Canaanites, etc.?)

My concern it is that I´m black and Latin European. My grandparents were Italians, Spaniards and my father’s mother was black and white. I was raised in the house a Native American built with my grandmother. He reluctantly accepted my dad, and later on accepted me, not having his own blood. Is it a race we lacked? Do we know who we biologically belonged? God is absolutely different! A man is jealous for each man. We naturally see others as potential enemies, because we don´t equally belong to the kingdom of God. 

I know the country and the place where I was raised, but I don´t belong them. There was a time I could boast at that citizenship I freely received, but I long for Christ´s. I know who I was, the things I did and enjoyed, but I am not to imitate those things I had and now regret. As Christian, I am like you, as you are like me. Where are those rights I would claim above any?

As an outsider, CC looks multicultural and interdenominational. The world, as far as I can see it, is the same; but I know its limits, its borderlines, i.e.: “Do not send me PMs”, “Do not write to me unless I know you”, etc. Do they really serve to stop creepers or weirdoes?  Ha! Ha! (I received one of those stupid things creepers write to woo on CC).

I know I lack God´s love to approach people. I don´t know how to change this world I live, but Jesus knows. The lesson that classroom gave me is love, and it cost any time and pains. Here in Venezuela we live with the same hate; it is not racial, but social. The political resentment is used to keep their “leading” role to get access to amounts of money. Public agencies and the media are used to maintain the ideological influence the hypocritical communist stills to stay in the government, same way they worked in Germany, the URRS and Vietnam. The local war has begun to find food, to invade and seize private property when expropriating factories and the land that were used to produce enough meat and food. Here is the dictatorship of mediocrity!

How long does it take to be widely spread? God knows! But next Third World War has begun in the minds of those who don´t see this far more. 

Syria is not my local war, same way Venezuelans should be concerned on our social issues first: We need God to rule from within.

Just see how you would react: In a narrow prophylactic scope, let it be allowed to ask How would you deal with Aids and the people who are infected with more evil diseases? No matter the colour of their race, stop thinking about their social status or cultural background, but at the potential risk of these diseases spread which see no face to pollute (and the way to spare your life from being infected by this and other contaminating factors related to sins). Don´t you shrink like me? What is your deciding attitude toward worldwide secularism? What is your standpoint when this openly threatens your life, your family´s welfare or nation? We all let sin to be spread. It´s just taking its toll on conventional sinners.

The movies are inspiring but this last questions are painfully shocking, aren´t they?

Just leave anything you like… (like prayers, for example).


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