sábado, octubre 19, 2013

“A new commandment I give you..." (John 13:34)

It is easy to ASK it when the ONE asking is not giving you anything, but an order. Let me tell you this: Why are many people leaving God or Jesus? Because they were seeking a thing they haven´t found in HIm or through HIm (and just reminding Him the prayer I have with HIm today).
A relationship needs adjustment. To love another I need to LOVE me first and, if I find nothing on the other side (I mean the divine realm) I probably go another place. That`s happening to many people.

I´m asking GOD a miracle for this sunday. I´m asking Him a thing I lack and I´m making noise to be heard. I spent some years being "nice", although I developed some hate to my staying here without electricity, spending long night alone doing nothing in the darkness I made for not having electricity in my home, the plae where I´m secluded for not being part of those who I don´t belong, if He misses me, if He pays no attention, I don´t care about that eternity spent doing nothing, except being mute while other have they share, while I live like a prisoner of my failures, not giving anything my children will remember from me, when I´m eternally gone.

How could I love them not showing that love? How could I give, if scarsely I get something to my daily food? And they need shoes, clothing... and I see how pastor lacked what it could be given to enjoy one more minute of this earthly life.

God!: Show me ONE MORE TIME I can trust you for the impossibles. I´m not plenty of time to build what I couldn´t build...

That´s my today´s prayer.