lunes, junio 09, 2014

Have you thought about it…

I don´t expect and answer, except ONE God could give to humanity and each person who badly or sadly need it...

Have you thought that many persons who might have liked this movie, in their real or passed life, have lived this drama out?

I know it for sure, since the beginning, though I think GOD can turn the bad to good...

Hope all of you who have disliked it (or suffered) find some refreshment in the miracles God does each time a people turn away from sinning, from doing things the opposite way around.

"I've been that guy a little bit, going off by myself years ago in a pickup truck into Nevada, scouting locations for High Plains Drifter. But I didn't stop off with any housewives while doing that."
— Clint Eastwood, on Robert Kincaid. (Thompson, Anne (June 16, 1995). "Bridge on the River Cry". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2011-08-19.)

What does it make it longed, cherished and liked?
If you are a married man, you surely wouldn´t like to here it enjoyed from your wife, will you?
If you are pleasing –enough- your spouse, you don´t even consider living that novel out. Why it is liked?

Believed or not, a writer writes about what he knows or believes. Each reader acknowledges what he/she knows or has believed, somehow. There is a “secrecy” shared when truth is publicly exposed, whether it is admired, denied or unseemly denounced. (Men´s sexual dysfunction has its share on this, married women).

The novel is presented as a novelization of a true story, but it is in fact entirely fictional. However, the author has stated in an interview that there are strong similarities between the main character and himself.” 

As men we could have said: “I did it! It was enjoyable”. As women, any could have thought: “I wish I could live that out… Is so romantic” But, as committed Christians, could we think similarly?

There´s not need to be judgmental! I have liked similarities like that –unnoticedly. I didn´t know it till few years back, and now I know something is WRONG in the mind of men (and within certain women I have personally met) because I want all my life set free from living out those déjà vu.

There is a research done ( It also said some were surprised: “…Based on a reader-response case study of Waller's phenomenal bestseller, the research reported here demonstrates not only that readers' subjective experience of the same text can vary dramatically…” 


I remember my grandmother´s sighs... She liked to watch TV soup operas… Have you?
The secularized life we have led, willing or unwillingly brought us to the place we are and to the place we could be. Are we putting the wrong up?

I wouldn´t dare to write down the list of names of persons I have known, with all those I´ve had a love affair, and happily I´m forgetting their names (and the wrong we both did). Could any wrong be condoned?
That research also said there´s something wrong in the mind of some readers. I know it because I have witnessed several girls/women having liked that romantic drama and, the fact is quite connected to sinning: Adultery.

Have you loved a woman who still longs for another? Hmong culture did something to avoid it...

Have you loved a married lady? (If so, will you willing to suffer the same pain?)
Do you enjoy sharing your girlfriend -or spouse- with another man´s feeling?
Are you aware some men or woman hugged you thinking of another they missed and loved?

Sinning is so hiddenly sought that we´re not aware of our own faults against those we said we love but, unadvisedly, “Francesca noticed that she was acting like somebody else during her time spent with Robert, yet she felt more alive and herself than ever before, showing her transformation from the trout (a common housewife in the eyes of her family and the society in Madison County) to who she really is in her heart (a glimmering girl - a magical being, special and one of a kind). Francesca's duality can be seen in her interactions with Richard Johnson, her husband and Robert Kincaid, her lover. These two men are two sides to the coin that is Francesca's life.

Men are different from women, although we cannot say “I haven´t done it”. We, sometimes, have liked or needed to play a “love” game like that of Francesca. Sin should be acknowledged are renounce. I know we badly need a prayer to avoid suffering a way like this, because both genders are in similar risks of falling this way.

Michelle Rose Solano, an Asian young woman commenting, wrote: “Bridges of Madison County has always been a novel of interest to me ever since it was translated into film and as a child I was told it isn't for kids. Truly, it isn't for kids, not because of the partial nudity and romanticism of adultery but because kids are too young and idealistic to understand the subtleties of the story. Francesca had a husband who was a good man, not a drunkard or a womanizer, not a druggie or a wife-batterer, a simple man who loved her in his own way. Her children loved her and turned out well, as you will see at the end of the story. Anybody could say her life was good.” and “her heart that yearns for something more than the life she had unwittingly chosen for herself.
Do you long for it?

Recently I knew I could love a person who said she was “retired” from something Hosea knew and suffered (Hos 1:2, 7 ; 2:1-7 or 3:1-3). 

It´s sure the Scripture wasn´t meant for that only. It reaches us until present.

The research also said: “...the most striking characteristic of the commercial market for romance literature is that it consists almost entirely of women.  By even the most liberal estimates, males represent no more than 1 to 2% of the readers of popular romances (Hovet, 1986).
Is it sure? Just read why many of them like things like “Twin light”, novels/movies of endless love made of vampires and the likes, such as this. (Click over the link to ease it)

Is something wrongly wired inside our brains? I know what could be wrong within mine and also tried to see where things are getting wronged within a relationship. Will you pull yourselves out of an insane bond like those above?

This may sound anti-feminist, but I also have it found to be true: “...women readers turn in such big numbers to romantic literature as an escape from the felt limitations of their lives as women by partaking of fantasies that, in the end, reaffirm the very limitations from which they try to escape...”
Are we -men- doing things wrongly? Unknowingly or willingly?

I don´t mind to say I have spent part of my life with women. If I only had fond one I could love wholeheartedly unconcerned, I would re-marry but, the more I see they suffer from their emotional lacks and over-emotional insufficiencies, I´m thinking celibacy over.

I´m aware of there´s emotional animosity on this short assay I could write as a subjective person I am and, if you want my name, I´m Antonio Toro. Blame me in your prayers...

Although the research I´ve mention above could say much more, that is not a Christian approach to this mind-sin issue. I know it from a 1st hand experience and I´m trying to be away from a woman I know who has it...

You could show some psychological resistance or unconscious rage on this I wrote: I felt the same when I watched the movie, and many readers would show “their love and hated part.” 

I´d like to invite you to turn to Jesus, to His Father´s will. I know They can help you sort all the thought issues of your sinning life.
Praised be His Eternal name!

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