Some people comb and
wash their faces before allowing others to meet or see. Let's say spouses allow
to see and kiss each other before doing this convenient facts but, before being
engaged or married, they both avoided being seen so.
Let's say we seldom go
out naked or just wearing intimate clothing. We were told not to do it after
being grown or during the process of early youth, so we seldom let brothers or
sisters looked at us naked, that way we used when being babies, when needing help
to get those dirty diapers.
Let's say we are
transpasser, transgressors. We know what we did and what we're told not to do,
but we sometimes fail doing what it is asked or sought.
Wifes hate husbands
bringing dirty into their houses, particularly when a wife is that who often
It is written “Do
not lie”, but we don't understand that cheating is more
than that...
What makes you to do
what it is not expected from you to do? (Don't stare at me, I'm alike).
of respect? You and I ask people not to do “this”, but we often
do what they don't want us to do.
Disobedience? We are told not to
spoil the earth, but we throw trash everywhere. We criticize smokers or car
drivers, but we set fire on bigger things (even with the tongue).
Selfish or selfcentered? We don't want to be
hurt or offended, but we keep on doing things people asked not to do with them.
Once each week I work
with computers. I have dealt with their problems and virus and many come by
surfing the Internet (MS and many send them for free) (their idea is you buy
and pay). Some know to spy your docs, your personal data, same way you are
permitted to freely download music form other computers (when using Torrents,
Ares, Tubecatcher, Emule, etc.) I like to get data from Google and those
browsers which know where I am by scanning my IP and IMEI. This is like being
social, when people is awfully sick. Do I know the limits or the risk of this
file sharing?
I have asked some
friends not to send me FWRs. They can be nice, worth reading, but I find them
impersonal. More than that, I avoid virus and certainly dislike those FWRs that
ask me to re-send those FWRs. I hate those FWRs that try to bind my mind in a
chain. These tells you: “If you love God (or Christ) re-send”. (Would that be
the Christ like way, by the way?)
I seldom read FWRs (I
delete them)
and those who insist on sending them TO ME I consider disrespectful.
Perhaps I told them “not to send” twice, they have no idea on the time I have
spend fixing a machine and, what concerns me more, is avoiding others PCs were
damage, because in my country many people avoid paying OS's legal licenses (They
suffer more when cherished personal data or pictures are lost) (Recovery
is useless is not securing or backing up data).
Reputation is important,
my job matters me; but some people don't know the limits: We cannot get
what we aren't paying for. The quality of a friendship has the same seal I have
for others respect. If I want honor, I myself must honor others; so I had
better knowing what they expect from me, to know what I can offer them: For
free or priced.
God Himself, being much
more than High, respect our realm. He does not force us to do His will. He
invites us to do what it is best, and has let us to learn the hard way. He
gives His advice, He told us what to do -what He expects from us- and
has let some to be what we were and what we are... How long will
He let us to hurt others? How long does it take us to learn the best WAY?
He has set a time and a
limit. We are transpassers, transgressors, but there are limits we cannot go
beyond, and this are lifetime, divine and human laws and those who come and are
My mind tells me I will
not woo a bossy woman. It tells me I don't like the people I don't like,
because there is no need to tell others how you are (you
don't need to be cracked)
except when you pour yourself on God's hands.
Recently someone told
me she is a little confused. She has a boyfriend who pays little attention on
her emotions. He is not so affective with her, and her confusion lies on the
other guy who is attentive, kind and sweet. She is lightly engaged with the
first. She knows some limits, but the other seems interested in her, knowing
she has a boyfriend and, each time the last meets, she felt more “loved” or cherished.
I told her that, after
a year, as an average, people change in a relationship, particularly when one
has achieved what he/she has sought (sex, affection or attention) (and
I know these because I have lived).
When talking she knew
the situation she is in... I told her that, not being a committed Christian,
will lead both to sex. Such an affection or attention is not bad, but will
drive them both to things connected to sex. What would be the end result?
She is becoming an
adult and I told her mother... Her mother and I spoke largely and learnt many
things on today's youth. I did many wrong things when being young, but today
they have video cameras to record them and to upload those deeds to seek “glory”
(or recurrent shame). Do I know my limits?
Some people I know told
me: “Freely love”, “Don't think too much...” And I have seen how we walk all
over people's emotions, dreams and expectations. I know how some nice looking
faces are sought like gold. These have the “advantage” of saying yes or not
to whom ever they want and, ask them how happy they are or how many they
Body beauty is
appealing and many use to hide and try to be invisible (others, just the
opposite way: Sometimes it helps). Allow me to say I would like a woman who
writes like Emily Brontë, but will hate one who cheats or behaves like a
dog in the streets (I know my limits).
I'm thankful God gave
me the chance to learn from this life. Sometimes I wish I could do what Adam
Sadler does in the movie “Click” (push some bottoms to go
farther) and, as a gift, be pulled back with God's help to life; but
I acknowledged my limits.
Sometimes we're not
given a second time (that's is one common limit). Sometimes we don't see others
lines and jumped above neighbor's fences. We want these things done, we ask too
many things, but bypassing other's expectations. What about the commandments?
Do God need me to be happy? (Is it not I who needs Him?)
Sometimes I dislike not
having enough time. I regret few tiny achievement, each day, but step by step
we traveled long. What if living a day of 40 hour? Won't I feel the same lack?
I set a limit and it could be a simple and honest joy: I did what I could
(same as you, each day).
There are thousands of
reasons to like or dislike people. We all are the same! Some of us try to open
doors and sometimes we shut them before going in.
Too often we try to be
heard, to get some attention, and dislike others have their ways and point of
views. We childish expects others to behave, while we blindly see no other
way, but ours. Shame on me! (I'm a blind man who often see what I see and not
to mention I'm unwilling to note others warns).
There is an individual
dialog between us an our mind. We like to hear that inner voice who longs to be
heard and sometimes we missed her, and paid too little attention, when we
lacked this Christian insight we have now. Loneliness comes when I stopped
listening me and others. Loneliness comes when I draw myself and isolate
from others, whatever the reason I could have thought of: I forgot my limits
and theirs.
I have a penfriend who
is writing at me... She said she dislikes people who listen music at high
volume, no matter the music it be. She doesn't care if they love tattoos,
change the color of their head or do drugs... “whatever thing any does
without hurting me or embarrassing others is Ok” (We're talking about
limits). Are not the commandments to avoid hurting others and oneselves?
Drugs consumers affect
society. Any can say: “That's their problem” but WILL AFFECT ours. He or
she has rights, and these affects social surroundings (we need that control).
God respects
self-willed people,but He has His will also. Who am I to say no to His limits?
He cuts the eternal life at those who are unwilling to understand this 2nd,
3rd... or any chance (I don't know how many,
but I have heard of those who changed and of those who never repented).
Tradition limits our
understanding. Shortcomings have handicapped some steps we reluctantly did and
finally we left when feeling dismayed or disappointed, when not acknowledging
the true limits: We hate being hurt; but we lie, we gossip, I cheat... Does my
law serve me, and not others?
I don't want to be
engaged with those I don't like. I've been invited to go out, to share, but
there is not communion between light and darkness (let's say I'm in the
I tried to understand
the world according to my hunches, to other's beliefs, and I will not stop
talking to me, alone or in nobody's company. I'm happy those who kindly gave
what I needed and I want nothing what´s not really mine: Emotions fade as years
go by.
What would this world
be without holy standards?
What would this be
without God and His morals?
I came too short! I'm
not any better, but certainly not worst (and I own Him all I lived).
I own Him more than
this life, and I have told Him that I don't want eternity without being
advised, being told, on what to do. I don't know what could be the best!
Some years ago I moved
to Colombia and sold out all I could. I planned not to come back but I came,
and he only knows my truly me. I haven't lost everything but I lost
anything,and I don't want to spend the rest of this earthly life trying and
trying, achieving nothing, because heaven is the limit.
I wish you could hear
Him talk. Some missed their mothers or fathers, but I miss Him whom I have
missed all my life. I was stubborn, I still the same, but I don't walk to walk
this darkness without hearing, without touching His guiding hands: I am blind!
I cannot not see life without Him.
God is God, and I see
Jesus as His Son (Same way I see Him as He saw Himself) (I'm not
Trinitarian nor Triune).
This “love” I try to
express is different from others. It is not the missing of my Dad. It never
reaches my Mom's bonds (and she is here, in this
room, trying to convince me to wash some things I don't want) :P
God's limits are
unknown. I'm learning to love Him for the Person He is. I hate the idea of
looking after Him as Provider (and He is). I dislike talking, alone, as a
prayer; because I sometimes needed to talk, and I know he heard.
This liking is sexless
and with no gender. When I needed His words or works, He sent an man (or a
woman) to speak to me. I know He uses circumstances to talk to (louder,
sometimes) and He lacks nothing to say or do (It is I who lacks and comes
short). These reasons are acknowledged! (namely limits).
I don't know why He
made me to be. There was an English teacher (Elisa) who once wrote me “that
she would regret not having been lived...”
She was right! We learnt the hard way.
Why are you angry?
Why are you alone?
We did what we did and,
as my friend MS says: “There's no need to cry over the milk spilled”.
(Sometimes there's a second or a third chance).
Perhaps my dream
reminds a dream. Perhaps I get it; perhaps I build over it. And I've seen how
some of these take time (and effort) to be real and to be done. Life is a blind
date! We don't know whom we are going to meet.
Just one more thing for
you: Be visible! Hide and run when it be needed, but don't spend your life that
way (Time is passing by and we're not assured when the next chance will come).
Show that face! Laugh
till you die: No one will bring you what you stopped giving others.
Don't be too serious
when telling a lie: Just give them the truth without hurting others,
same way you would like to be blessed with real truth.
Love is not an
option,but a must. Do not lie! Don't give others anything, if you don't know
what you really want nor what they really need.
Relationships are built
on some personal conveniences. Will you let others come to steal or hurt you?
Friendship and love are
not to be begged, but to be given...
If you don't feel it,
don't give it. It is like laughing!... You know when there is real
joy with the people you are with (Don't lie at you) (Don't do that to
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