Rabbit watching.
I have rabbits at home. I like their sof fur and harebrained attitudes. I have learnt too many things related to animals and human behaviour since the time I´ve got them. If you want to learn ANYTHING about animals or people just watch these kitties.
Once a month these “girls” are in heat. If left alone they behave wild, as having sex with one another, but they need a “male” rabbit to help fulfill their aim or endocrine normal condition. Once that male has sorted out the “problem” these girls avoid his attentiveness and touching, so I have to move him. Otherwise else he will loose part of his body. After 28 days, or a little more, rabbits bring half a dozen lads to be nurtured up to an additional moth. Do they act like people´s behaviour? Who taught them about needs or body-sex movements? (Not me!).
Sex is within us! I can not prove it is in chromosomes or beneath mind, but by behaving or with animal life. I may act like mice or a rabbit, but I might not be an angel, as long as I lack wings.
Nowadays we´re proud of Human Rights. We´re fond of them! But we keep animals imprisoned the way I do. We keep them restrained with foolish hope they learn “good manners” or are kept just for food and pleasure, but they won´t grow up denying themselves. Why do we deny if we´re alive and have inner needs?
We are proud of progress or freedom, but controlling others´ life with the view the grow cold or in cretinism, so they could fit our interest or benefits: That´s what we call “value”. In the long run, we can´t eat rabbits, pigs or whatever might be, without seeing them to “behave” the way societies´ hypocrisy, politicians´”authority” and religiuos leaders have planned us to be.
Each time I see my rabbits in their ugly cages I see myself the way I´ve been raised, trained or restrained. I´ve got them to please my hands by touching, but I also kill them for food or when room is needed there. Don´t you think that happens to humankind? Don´t you feel we´re in a kind of cage named earth?
We world is a lab. We are to suffer certain pains as long as we get the sublime and needed knowledge to learn the LOVE lesson or rank the exalted GLORY to understand the whole of this humbled condition: Being away from the Godhead and galaxies of Heavens.
We´re fond the way we live and happy for laws that grants some people to change penis for vaginas. Did God stopped me to be what I am? Does He know the reasons that push us to be the way we are? Sure He Knows! but religiuos beings have taken the task to tell us how we ought to live and be. Did Jesus ask that “adulterer” to stop sinning or stop having a mate? (I refer to Jonh 8:1-11) How did He said what He said? He didn´t judge that or blamed but ASKED! God knows everything we do, and I say it because I know He knows (Have you asked the Godhead to show up in your life and condition?).
I may hate blacks or whites. I dislike denominations (and certain leaders) because they pushed me to believe the way they believe, but this issue belongs to God´s realm, not human´s (John 6:44-45). All of us write about what we believe, but the world have to have their own experience, so they can make a choice and believe in the One who says He is and will be, someday!
We, legally, have done happily without religion -and certain laws- to allow ourselves to be the way we want to be. I can be satanist, muslim, jew or christian. I can be a doctor, or a thief because I have the right: The law allows me to! And I can hid my face from public sight but I cannot hid from the One who serches my whole life. I wish you see what He has shown what future would be...
We are limited to certain conditions –like chat rules or contrasts- but, at the long run, we dislike to be longing because we have biological needs and longing for satisfaction... This reminded me of an old song: “Everybody needs love and affection. Everybody needs cash to spend. Everybody needs sex (?) and attention. Everybody needs 2 or 3 friends. These are the things, these are the things (Bis) the things the dreams are made of...”
We have animal behaviour. We have strong drives, but limited because rules or social cages. We often behave like rabbits in our cages seeking for satisfaction, deep affection and do whatever thing to accomplish them.
Sometimes we do wrong. We fail in several aspects in the world somebody has made for any reason. If He made it for a complicated reason, we act the opposite way; but the Creator has made an amendment for our shortcomings. He made an atonement for our transgressions, taking the blame we deserve and making provision for His fault: Leaving us alone for centuries.
No matter how many rules we have broken, He made himself "guilt" for our hittings and rabbit´s bitings. The amendment He made was on the atonement done in and with His son, Jesus Christ. The standard He set IS so high, that no one could fulfill. By laws we could be killers, covetous, homosexuals, male or female prostitutes, but that is according to some State contries or certain legal conditions. Could I be morally one of those, everywhere?
If the Bible says the truth -I don´t know- we can´t be what we are pleased. According to my life experience, what I´m being granted, I cannot do what I want or plan. There´s a block that hinders me and my way and, as longer as I¨ve fought, I can´t beat the One who rules my circunstances and finally my life: There´s One God and His son Jesus, the Christ, who rules my whole life with His bond-love and the Spirit of my mind: I surrendered! He is my Lord and Saviour.
(I will finish my handwriting someday, if allowed to!)
I set my rabbits FREE. I don't want any killed!
Some credit for the photo at:
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